Are there copyright restrictions on the Scan and Deliver service?


All scans will be compliant with copyright law. This means that whichever is the greater of one chapter or 10% of a book or one article from a journal issue can be provided.  When requesting a scan the requester agrees that by submitting a request they are also agreeing to the conditions in the copyright declaration below:  

  • That the material is required for the purpose of research for a non-commercial purpose or for private study 

  • That they have not previously been supplied with a copy of the same material by UCC Library or any other library 

  • That they will not use the copy except for research for a non-commercial purpose or private study and will not supply a copy of it, by any means to another person 

  • That to the best of their knowledge no one with whom they work or study has made or intends to make, at or about the same time as this request, a request for substantially the same material for substantially the same purpose 

  • That only a single paper copy will be retained and the electronic copy will be destroyed if the item is printed 

  • That if the declaration is false in a material particular the copy supplied will be an infringing copy and the requester will be liable for the infringement as if they made it themselves.​ 

  • Last Updated Jun 29, 2020
  • Views 38
  • Answered By Anne O'Callaghan

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