What do the numbers on the spine of the book mean?



The numbers and letters on the spine of a library book are called the call number or classification number.  This is the number you need to find a book on the shelf.  The numbers go from 000s up to 900s.

  • Books are organised on the shelves in order of subject, in call number order.
    • Q+1 (life and mathematical sciences and business) has 000s, 500s and 600s 
    • Q+2 (social science and law) has 100s 200s 300s and 400s
    • Q+3 (arts and humanities) has 700s 800s and 900s
  • Search for the title of the book you want on the library catalogue.

  •  The entry for the book tells you what floor the book is on and gives you the call number e.g. 361.6 SEAL.  Go to the floor and follow the call number ranges on the ends of the shelves until you find the range that covers the call number you want.  The letters after the number are in alphabetical order.
  • Books with the same call number are about the same subject.
  • Books with different titles or different editions can have the same call number so check that the book you select is the title and edition you want.
  • Last Updated Jan 28, 2022
  • Views 1537
  • Answered By Anne O'Callaghan

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