What is the call number?



The call number or classification number is the number you need to find a book on the shelf.  Books in UCC Library are organised in number order from 000s up to 999.

  • Books are organised on the shelves in call number order.
    • Q+1: 000s, 500s and 600s 
    • Q+2: 100s 200s 300s and 400s
    • Q+3: 700s 800s and 900s
  • When you search for a book on the catalogue, it gives you the call number.
  • It is on the spine of the book, followed by the first 4 letters of the author's surname.
  • Books with the same call number are about the same subject.
  • Books with different titles or different editions can have the same call number so make sure you get the book you want.


  • Last Updated Mar 09, 2020
  • Views 107
  • Answered By Anne O'Callaghan

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